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234 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Tutti i racconti

Queen, Ellery
Tutti i racconti

«C'è l'ennesimo stereotipo che vuole che i racconti, per un autore che scrive romanzi, siano una produzione minore. Qualcosa che fai per forza perché te la chiedono per lo spazio ristretto di una rivista, o perché quell'anno non hai un'idea buona per qualcosa di più lungo, per cui tanto vale un'antologia, magari raschiando il proverbiale fondo del barile. Be', non è vero. Per un autore i racconti son...

CHF 43.00

Calamity Town

Queen, Ellery
Calamity Town
Four-time Edgar Award–winning author Lawrence Block’s definitive essay collection on the art of writing fictionFor ten years, crime novelist Lawrence Block funneled his wealth of writing expertise into a monthly column for Writer’s Digest. Collected here for the first time are those pieces illuminating the tricks of the authorial trade, from creating vibrant characters and generating seamless plots, to conquering writer’s block and experimenti...

CHF 43.90

Cat of Many Tails

Queen, Ellery
Cat of Many Tails
In the dog days of August, it is no surprise to see New Yorkers perspire. But this summer, a killer called the Cat gives the city a new reason to sweat. He selects his victims seemingly at random and strangles them, then escapes without leaving a clue. As the death toll climbs and the press whips the public into a horrified frenzy, Gotham teeters on the edge of anarchy. Ellery Queen, the brilliant amateur sleuth, has gone into retirement when...

CHF 17.50

Cat of Many Tails

Queen, Ellery
Cat of Many Tails
In the dog days of August, it is no surprise to see New Yorkers perspire. But this summer, a killer called the Cat gives the city a new reason to sweat. He selects his victims seemingly at random and strangles them, then escapes without leaving a clue. As the death toll climbs and the press whips the public into a horrified frenzy, Gotham teeters on the edge of anarchy. Ellery Queen, the brilliant amateur sleuth, has gone into retirement when...

CHF 36.90

The Adventures of Ellery Queen

Queen, Ellery
The Adventures of Ellery Queen
For Ellery Queen, there is no puzzle that reason cannot solve. In his time, he has faced down killers, thugs, and thieves, protected only by the might of his brain-and the odd bit of timely intervention by his father, a burly New York police inspector. But when a university professor asks Queen to teach a class, the detective finds there are people whom reason cannot touch: college students.  Queen's adventure on campus is only the first of th...

CHF 16.50

The Adventures of Ellery Queen

Queen, Ellery
The Adventures of Ellery Queen
For Ellery Queen, there is no puzzle that reason cannot solve. In his time, he has faced down killers, thugs, and thieves, protected only by the might of his brain-and the odd bit of timely intervention by his father, a burly New York police inspector. But when a university professor asks Queen to teach a class, the detective finds there are people whom reason cannot touch: college students.  Queen's adventure on campus is only the first of th...

CHF 36.50

The Adventures of the Puzzle Club

Queen, Ellery / Pachter, Josh
The Adventures of the Puzzle Club
A collection more than half a century in the making! The discerning reader will recall that the two cousins who wrote as Ellery Queen published five short stories about the Puzzle Club and its newest member, Ellery Queen himself, in the 1960s and '70s. Fifty years later, Josh Pachter picked up the gauntlet and gave us five more tales of the Puzzle Club, each as baffling as the original five, each with an introduction by a family member, friend...

CHF 31.50

The Spanish Cape Mystery

Queen, Ellery / Penzler, Otto
The Spanish Cape Mystery
The Godfrey family is vacationing among the picturesque rocky cliffs of the North Atlantic seaboard, expecting peace, quiet, and, perhaps, a bit of golf or tennis. But one dusky evening in an isolated spot on the grounds of Spanish Cape, Rosa and her uncle David get into an argument about her secretive romance with one of their guests, the roguish John Marco, a handsome cad with a yellow roadster and no visible source of income. That's when a ...

CHF 36.50

The Spanish Cape Mystery

Queen, Ellery / Penzler, Otto
The Spanish Cape Mystery
The Godfrey family is vacationing among the picturesque rocky cliffs of the North Atlantic seaboard, expecting peace, quiet, and, perhaps, a bit of golf or tennis. But one dusky evening in an isolated spot on the grounds of Spanish Cape, Rosa and her uncle David get into an argument about her secretive romance with one of their guests, the roguish John Marco, a handsome cad with a yellow roadster and no visible source of income. That's when a ...

CHF 23.50

Den fjerde kvinde

Queen, Ellery / Norsbo, Elise
Den fjerde kvinde
Den grønne paryk tilhørte en barmfager, rødhåret korpige fra Las Vegas. Den raffinerede sorte pailletkjole var en parisermodel og kreeret til at skabe opmærksomhed omkring en ung blond skuespillerinde med store ambitioner. De lang hvide selskabshandsker var en livlig og elskværdig sygeplejerskes ejendom.De tre beklædningsgenstande forsvinder på mærkelig vis fra de tre damers garderober på millionær og playboy Johnny Benedicts landsted, hvor El...

CHF 47.50

Y s tragedie

Queen, Ellery / Boisen, Mogens
Y s tragedie
De gale Hatters" - sådan omtalte man blandt New Yorks society den mærkelige familie i det gamle palæ, men snart skulle navnet Hatter for alvor komme på avisernes forsider. Netop dette hus blev skuepladsen for en række rystende forbrydelser, der savnede sidestykke i politiets annaler.Hvem var det i familiens kreds, der for enhver pris ville myrde den blinde og døvstumme datter? Hvem var det, der anlagde en mordbrand i det aflåste laboratorium? ...

CHF 50.90

Landsby i oprør

Queen, Ellery / Gress, Elsa
Landsby i oprør
Da den berømte kunstner Aunt Fanny Adams fra den lille by Shinn Corners findes myrdet, falder mistanken hurtigt på vagabonden Josef Kowalczyk. Der opstår hurtigt lynchstemning i den lille by, men Dommer Shinn og hans gæst Johnny Shinn insisterer på, at sagen skal prøves ved retten. Efterforskningen afslører flere spor, der kunne tyde på, at morderen er en helt anden."Landsby i oprør" er forfatterpseudonymet Ellery Queens første krimi, der ikke...

CHF 50.90

Mørkelagt mord

Queen, Ellery / Pouplier, Annalise / Pouplier, Erik
Mørkelagt mord
New York ligger lammet! Lysene er gået ud i hele byen, og der hersker kaos og utryghed alt imens en morder slår til i en af byens mange skyskrabere.Den enøjede detektiv Tim Corrigan prøver at se lys i mørket - og ender selv med at blive det næste offer på den desperate morders liste ...Ellery Queen er både en fiktiv karakter og et fælles pseudonym for to fætre fra Brooklyn, New York - Daniel Nathan, alias Frederic Dannay, og Manford Emanuel Le...

CHF 47.50

Kys og dø

Queen, Ellery / Andersen, Grete / Andersen, Finn
Kys og dø
Efter det første glimt var han fanget ind. Privatdetektiv Burgess kunne ikke få nok af Claire English og ønskede kun at se mere, selv om der ikke var meget mere at se. Hun var splitternøgen på billedet.Næste gang, Burgess så Claire, fik han et endnu bedre kig. Døren gik op og der var hun. Denne gang kunne han også se hendes ansigt, og en anden ting... Revolveren i hendes hånd!-

CHF 47.50

Trekantens fjerde side

Queen, Ellery / Jensen, Bibba Jørgen
Trekantens fjerde side
TREKANTENS FJERDE SIDE er et trekantsdrama med passion, jalousi og mord! Sheila Grey er berømt modeskaber med masser af talent, skønhed og penge. Desværre har hun for vane, at skifte elsker lige så hurtigt, som hun skifter kjolemodeller. En levevis, der nødvendigvis må føre til mord.Ashton McKell er en nydelig ældre gentleman, der har en overordentlig appetit på livet og dets mange glæder. Men hvorfor besøgte han Sheila Grey forklædt som læge?...

CHF 47.50